The World needs people who are emotionally strong. The foundation has to be laid in school too. But are we really bothered?
You are reading about a Social Impact Enterprise that began its journey 14 years ago, having covered 150-odd schools, engaged with more than 5000+ teachers, assessed more than 45,000 students and interacted with an almost equal number of parents .These figures speak about our level of interaction, from our birth, through programmes that have made a difference in their lives. And ours too.
From the Student Evaluation Programme at Schools-HOPES©, to Career Aptitude Tests for High School Students, Faculty and Parents' Engagement to Remedial Intervention for students who need it, we have been working on a 360° approach to make the society a better place to live in. Our services have been a combination of unique approaches in Psychology, Speech Language Pathology, Nutrition, General Medicine, Dentistry, Ophthalmology and more, to deliver outcomes aimed at holistic development.
The task of making a difference in the way schooling happens is difficult, not impossible. It hasn't stopped us from moving forward. The best results, as we consider, are the outcome of Passion and Innovation. Passion for us is as important as our existence. Innovation helps us add value. We believe in the power of happier societies that involves the overall development of students, teachers and parents. Our work would continue to focus on this aspect, always.
Come, join us to add some COLOUR to our lives.

The 4C Concept
This concept is the basis of our work and guides each member of our team.
It reads thus
To be CARING in all our deeds.
To be COMPASSIONATE in addressing problems.
To be CONSIDERATE in dealing with people.
To be COURAGEOUS while confronting adversities.

The Compass Team
S1 Kavitha Apts
Veekshanam Road
Cochin 682018
Kerala, IN.
+91 9633651342
+91 7907366537